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    Tuesday 15 March 2016

    Caprese Panino

    The caprese takes its name from the city of Capri in the Campania region of Italy. Most commonly eaten as a salad (insalata caprese), the ingredients of tomato, mozzarella cheese, and basil also work extremely well in panini. Each panino is made with a bread such as ciabatta or baguette, which is then stuffed and toasted in a special panini machine.

    This is a sandwich exclusively for the summer, as a properly ripe tomato is essential. Don’t even consider making it otherwise. I’M WATCHING YOU! Use the best-quality mozzarella cheese you can get your hands on too; the key to success here lies entirely with the quality of the ingredients.

    Makes 1
    1 ciabatta roll or a length of baguette or other suitable long crusty bread Olive oil
    1 small ripe tomato, sliced
    4 fresh basil leaves
    Good-quality mozzarella cheese, sliced
    Black pepper, to taste
    Split the roll in half and brush the bottom half with olive oil, then layer on the tomato, basil leaves, and mozzarella. Season with black pepper, add the top half of the roll, and brush the outside with olive oil, which will make the top nice and crisp once toasted.
    Heat a panini press and cook the sandwich until golden and the cheese is melted. If you do not have a panini press, use a hot ridged griddle pan and weigh the sandwich down with a heavy pan while toasting, flipping the sandwich halfway through cooking. Serve immediately.
    Item Reviewed: Caprese Panino Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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