
Saturday, 13 February 2016

Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU

Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
Trade name: ciproxin
Class: Antibacterial, quinolone derivative
Pregnancy: (Category C)
Action: is a synthetic quinolone with broad- spectrum bactericidal activity, inhibits the synthesis of bacterial DNA by inhibiting the enzyme DNA gyrase.
      UIT, infectious diarrhea
      Infection of lower respiratory tract, bone, joints & skin.
Dose  : by mouth, respiratory-tract infections, 250–750 mg
Twice daily, Urinary-tract infections, 250–500 mg twice
                      Daily (100 mg twice daily for 3 days in acute uncomplicated cystitis in women)
Chronic prostatitis, 500 mg twice daily for 28 days
Gonorrhea, 500 mg as a single dose
 Pseudomonal lower respiratory-tract infection in cystic fibrosis, 750 mg twice daily;
CHILD 5–17 years, up to 20 mg/kg twice daily (max. 1.5 g daily)
Most other infections, 500–750 mg twice daily
Surgical prophylaxis, 750 mg 60–90 minutes before procedure
Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis, [not licensed for this          indication]
500 mg as a single dose; Child 5–12 years 250 mg
By intravenous infusion (over 30–60 minutes; 400 mg over 60 minutes), 200–
400 mg twice daily, Child 20 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses
 Pseudomonal lower respiratory-tract infection in cystic fibrosis, 400 mg twice daily;
CHILD 5–17 years, up to 10 mg/kg 3 times daily (max. 1.2 g daily)
Child not recommended but where benefit outweighs risk, by mouth, 10–30 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses or by intravenous infusion, 8–16 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses
Anthrax (treatment and post-exposure prophylaxis, see notes above), by mouth, 500 mg twice daily; child 30 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses (max. 1g daily) Contraindications:
      Hypersensitivity - children - lactation.
Side effects:
      Nausea vomiting. Dysphasia, crystalluria, Hematuria, Rashes, bad taste, GI bleeding, Headache, insomnia.
Nursing considerations:
      Give medication 2 hr after meals.

      Stress importance of drinking increased amounts of fluids to keep urine acidic & to minimize the risk of crystalluria.
Item Reviewed: Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar