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    Sunday 14 February 2016

    Warfarin sodium : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU

    Warfarin sodium 

    Trade names: coumadine
    Class: Oral anticoagulant
    Pregnancy: (Category D/ X according to manufacturer—DuPont Pharma, 2000.]
    Action: prevent the formation of factors II, VII, I X and X in the liver.
    prophylaxis and treatment of deep venous thrombosis.
                                       Thromboembolison                - Thrombophlebitis.
    Prophylaxis from myocardial infarction. Dose:
    The usual adult induction dose of warfarin is 10 mg
    daily for 2 days (higher doses no longer recommended). The subsequent maintenance dose depends upon the prothrombin time, reported as INR (international normalised ratio). The daily maintenance dose of warfarin is usually 3 to 9 mg (taken at the same time each day), Whenever possible, the base-line prothrombin time should be determined but the initial dose should not be delayed whilst awaiting the result.
                       Hemorrhagic tendencies       -  Blood disorders.
    Ulcerative lesion of GIT.
    Impaired renal and hepatic function.
    Severe hypertension.
    Side effects:
    hemorrhagic accidents.
    Nursing considerations:
    §  Daily monitoring of prothrombin time is recommended.
    §  Instruct clients to take the drug before meal.
    §  Remind clients to wear identification band that states that they are on anticoagulant therapy.
    §  Advise client to avoid activities that may cause injury.
    §  Vitamin K should by available

    §  Food rich in vitamin K should by avoided.
    Item Reviewed: Warfarin sodium : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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