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    Sunday 14 February 2016

    Thyroxin : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU


    Trade names: Eltroxin
    Class: Thyroid hormones Pregnancy: (Category A) Action:
    §   Principal effect is increasing metabolic rate of body tissues:
    §   Promote gluconeogenesis
    §   Increase utilization and mobilization of glycogen stores
    §   Stimulate protein synthesis
    §   Promote cell growth and differentiation
    §   Aid in the development of the brain and CNS § Contain T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxin) activity.
    §   Therapeutic Effects:
    §   Replacement in deficiency states with restoration of normal hormonal balance § Suppression of thyrotropin-dependent thyroid cancers.
    §   Replacement or substitution therapy in diminished or absent thyroid function of many causes
    §   Treatment of some types of thyroid cancer.
    ADULT, initially 50–100 micrograms (50 micrograms for those over 50 years) daily, preferably before breakfast, adjusted in steps of 50 micrograms every 3–4 weeks until normal metabolism maintained (usually 100–200 micrograms daily); where there is cardiac disease, initially 25 micrograms daily or 50 micrograms on alternate days, adjusted in steps of
    25 micrograms every 4 weeks
    Congenital hypothyroidism and juvenile myxoedema, CHILD up to 1 month initially 5– 10 micrograms/kg daily, over 1 month initially 5 micrograms/kg daily adjusted in steps of 25 micrograms every 2–4 weeks until mild toxic symptoms appear then reduce dose slightly Contraindications:
    §   Hypersensitivity
    §   Recent MI
    §   Thyrotoxicosis
    §   Known alcohol intolerance (liothyronine injection only) § Hypersensitivity to beef (Thyrar product).
    Side effects:
    §   CNS: insomnia, irritability, nervousness, headache.
    §   CV: CARDIOVASCULAR COLLAPSE, arrhythmias, tachycardia, angina pectoris, hypotension, increased blood pressure, increased cardiac output.
    §   GI: cramps, diarrhea, vomiting.
    §   Derm: hair loss (in children), increased sweating.
    §   Endo: hyperthyroidism, menstrual irregularities.
    §   Metab: weight loss, heat intolerance.
    §   MS: accelerated bone maturation in children.
    Nursing considerations:
    §   The treatment is initiated slowly (with small doses) & gradually increased.
    §   Store medications in cool dark place.
    §   Take complete nursing history .
    §   Note if the client is taking antidiabetics drugs & document .
    §   Take baseline ECG. then at regular intervals.
    §   Monitor thyroid function closely.
    §   Observe client for side effects.
    §   Monitor PT & PTT closely  since the drug increases hypoprothrombinemia.
    §   Monitor HR & B.P. closely for cardiac patients.
    §   Instruct the  client to report side effects e.g. weight loss & nervousness to physician.
    §   Have dietitian counsel clients regarding diet according to the  energy demands.

    §   Female client should record menstrual irregularities . § Encourage the client to keep follow-up visits.
    Item Reviewed: Thyroxin : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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