Trade names:
Class: Vasoconstrictor sympathomimetics
(Category C) Action:
Noradrenalin (Norepinephrine) tartrate is a
substance released naturally by the nerve cells. It produces wide ranging
effects on many areas of the body and is often referred to as a 'fight or
flight' chemical, as it is responsible for the body's reaction to stressful
• Sudden, life threatening low blood pressure (acute hypotension)
Use with caution in:
• A severe form of angina pectoris, not caused by exertion
(Prinzmetal's angina)
• Abnormally high amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
• Blood clot in one of the blood vessels in the extremities
(peripheral vascular thrombosis)
• Blood clot in the artery which supplies blood to the heart (coronary
• Blood clot in the artery which supplies blood to the intestines
(mesenteric thrombosis)
• Low blood pressure following a heart attack
• Low levels of oxygen in the tissues (hypoxia) Dose:
Acute hypotension, by
intravenous infusion, via central venous catheter, of a solution containing
noradrenaline acid tartrate 80 micrograms/mL (equivalent to noradrenaline base
40 micrograms/mL) at an initial rate of 0.16–0.33 mL/minute,
adjusted according to response
• Children.
Side effects:
• Headache
• Slow
heart rate (bradycardia)
• High blood pressure (hypertension)
Inadequate blood flow
leading to low levels of oxygen in the tissues of the extremities (peripheral
ischemia), which may lead to gangrene Nursing considerations: