Salbutomol : Albuterol
Trade names: Ventolin
Class: sympathomimetic agent, bronchodilator
Pregnancy: (Category C)
Action: stimulate β 2 receptors of the bronchi leading to bronchodilation.
Bronchial asthma.
Bronchospasm due to
bronchitis or emphysema.
Parenteral for treatment of
status asthmaticus.
mouth, 4 mg (elderly and sensitive patients initially 2 mg) 3–4 times daily;
max. single dose 8 mg; CHILD under 2 years 100 micrograms/kg 4 times daily
[unlicensed]; 2–6 years 1–2 mg 3–4 times daily, 6–12 years 2 mg 3–4 times daily
By subcutaneous or
intramuscular injection, 500 micrograms, repeated every 4 hours if necessary
By slow intravenous
injection, 250 micrograms, repeated if necessary
By intravenous infusion,
initially 5 micrograms/minute, adjusted according to response and heart-rate
usually in range 3–20 micrograms/minute, or more if necessary; CHILD 1 month–12
years 0.1–1 microgram/kg/minute [unlicensed]
§ By inhalation of nebulised solution, chronic bronchospasm
unresponsive to conventional therapy and severe acute asthma, ADULT and CHILD
over 18 months 2.5 mg, repeated up to 4 times daily; may be increased to 5 mg
if necessary, but medical assessment should be considered since alternative
therapy may be indicated; CHILD under 18 months, [unlicensed] (transient
hypoxaemia may occur—consider supplemental oxygen), 1.25–2.5 mg up to 4 times
daily but more frequent administration may be needed in severe cases Contraindications:
hypersensitivity Side effects:
Tachycardia, arrhythmias,
anginal pain.
Nausea, vomiting.
Dizziness, sweating,
Headache, weakness,
vertigo, and insomnia.