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    Sunday 14 February 2016

    Phenobarpitol : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU


    Trade names: Luminal
    Class: sedative- anticonvulsant- barbiturate.
    Pregnancy: (Category D)
    ý  Long-acting barbiturate- act as a sedative- hypnotic and anticonvulsant by producing CNS depression.
    ý  It increase the inhibitory activity of the on nerve synapses.
    §  Preanasthetic medication.
    §  Sedation
    §  Hypnotic
    §  Epilepsy
    §  in tetanus & eclampsia ( as anticonvulsant) .
     by mouth, 60–180 mg at night; CHILD 5–8 mg/kg daily
    Control of acute seizures, by intramuscular injection, 200 mg, repeated after 6 hours if necessary; CHILD 15 mg/kg as a single dose
     Status epilepticus, by intravenous injection (dilute injection 1 in 10 with water for injections), 10 mg/kg at a rate of not more than 100 mg/minute; max. 1 g Contraindications:
    Side effects:
    §  Headache,
    §  fever,
    §  megaloblastic anemia,
    §  dizziness,
    §  hypotension,
    §  nausea, and
    §  vomiting epigastric pain.
    Treatment of overdose toxicity:
     Maintain & assist respiration as indicated.
     Support circulation by vasopressor & I.V. fluids as required.
     Aspirate stomach content, take care to avoid pulmonary aspiration.
     Diuretics may be given as ordered.
     Intake & output measurement.
     Dialysis if indicated.
    Nursing considerations:
    1-      If given I.V, closely monitor the rate of flow. Rapid administration may lead to respiratory depression.
    2-      Monitor the site of I.V. for soft of extravasation which cause sever pain, nerve damage & necrosis.
    3-      Avoid the use of alcoholic beverages.
    4-      Instruct the client not to drive a car or operate other hazardous machinery after taking the medication .
    5-      Take the medication only as prescribed.
    6-      If used for hypnotic effect, give  ½ hr before bedtime.
    7-      Teach patient about sings and symptoms of toxicity, and instruct patient to report them to treating physician.
    8-      If taken for 8 weeks  or more, instruct patient not to stop it suddenly to avoid withdrawal symptoms as convulsion.

    9-      Keep the drug out of reach of the children.
    Item Reviewed: Phenobarpitol : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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