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      Saturday, 13 February 2016

      Atropine sulfate : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU

        Atropine sulfate
      Trade name: atropine
      Class: Cholinergic blocking agent
      Pregnancy: (Category C)
      Action: It is a parasympatholytic agent which cause relaxation of smooth muscles & inhibition of secretary glands Uses:
            Adjunct in peptic ulcer treatment.
            Irritable bowel syndrome.
            Treatment of spastic disorders of biliary tract.
            During anesthesia to control salivation & bronchial secretions.
            Anti-arrhythmic (prophylaxis).
            Prophylaxis and treatment of toxicity due to cholinesterase inhibitor including organophosphate pesticides.
            Ophthalmologic treatment of uveitis. Dose
      Bradydysrhythmia :Adult 0.5-1 mg IV may repeated at 5 min                                      intervals
      until desired rate achieved " max 0.03- 0.04 mg / kg "         Pediatric 0.02 mg/kg " min dose 0.1 mg , max                                              single dose 0.5 mg for a child and 1 mg for an adolescent.
              Asystole & PEA: Adult 1 mg IV may repeated every 3-5 min                                        "max
      0.03- 0.04 mg / kg, complete vagal block"   Pediatric unknown efficacy.
      Endotracheal route: 30 mic/kg diluted in 5 ml NS
      Anticholinesterase poisoning: Adult 1-2 mg push every 5-15 minutes to dry secretions, no max dose
           Pediatric 0.05 mg/kg/dose every 5-15 min
      Possible paradoxical bradycardia when pushed slowly or                                               when used at doses less than 0.5 mg
      §     Glaucoma, tachycardia, myocardial ischemia.
      §     Prostate hypertrophy, myasthenia gravis, paralytic ileus.
      §     Mental impairment, lactation, hepatic disease.
      Side effects:
      §     Nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, heartburn, § dizziness, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, blurring of vision,
      §     Photophobia, flashing, euphoria, hallucination flushing of the skin.
      Nursing considerations:
      §     Check dosage & measure the drug exactly.
      §     Assess for history of asthma, glaucoma, ulcer... etc.
      §     Determine the age of the client.
      §     Frequent mouth care.
      §     Assess client for change in pulse rate.
      In case of blurring of vision, assist on ambulating & give safety measures. 
      Item Reviewed: Atropine sulfate : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar