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    Tuesday 23 August 2016

    8 Tips to Help You Take Your Pills

    The Importance of taking your meds at the right time and in the right amounts can not be overstated. This is particularly true in regards to the elderly. They are the ones that depend on their medication the most to treat various conditions that come with the aging process.
    American Nurse Today reported that "44% of men and 57% of the ladies over the age of 60-65 take five or more prescription medications for every single day. Over 10% of men and ladies take 10 or more drugs every day.
    Because of the way medication is metabolized in seniors bodies it is important to take the pills as your doctor prescribed. Medication is designed to release the chemicals that makes them work (Active Ingredient). That means the pill you miss now, will have a negative impact for the next 24 hours. Miss two days of pill and you can see where it is headed, catastrophe!
    Tips for Effective Medication Management.
    1. Ask the pharmacy why you are taking the medication.
    This is especially critical for the older adults who are taking various pharmaceuticals. They need to ensure that they know what each pill they are taking is. They need to know about any potential side effects. Make certain the Healthcare Professional has approved pills that will not interfere with the other medications that are being taken.
    2. Keep a prescribing diary
    American Nurse Today says, "keep an accurate summary of all drugs. Have it include, brand names, dose amount, dosing recurrence. This will reduce the risk of double and triple dosing.
    3. Have your list of Prescription with you at all times
    Have your summary of the medications and supplements you take with you at all times. Make sure to bring it with to the doctor's office or the pharmacy. Providing the information about the way you take your pills will allow the doctor or pharmacist to offer better advice They may even prescribe different pills altogether.
    4. If you don't understand your doctor, ask questions
    Do you have concerns about the mix of drugs that your beloved is taking?. Ask the Doctor, they will be happy to answer any questions you ask. Tell your doctor your concerns if you have any.
    5. Always get the first opinion confirmed
    Not all providers are the same. Like any other service, there are good ones and bad ones. Unfortunately, some specialists recommend pills and medications improperly. They may prescribe pills when they are longer needed. It is wise to get that second opinion. Better safe than sorry!
    6. Knowing drug interactions based on you medication regimen
    Knowing the possible reactions will help prevent accidents. If you do see an adverse reaction, act immediately. Go directly to the Emergency Room or an Urgent Care. Some symptoms can even mimic other conditions, like a stroke or a heart attack.
    7. Smart Pill Box or Pill Reminder
    Old fashion methods, like a note on the medicine cabinet don't work. A smart pill box or a smart phone acts like a modern-day "medication alarm clock". These new designs are much more than a pill organizer. They will can greatly reduce the number of times you forget to take your medication.
    8. Minimize the number of suppliers
    Try to get your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy. Get to know your pharmacist and don't hesitate to ask them questions. They're your first line of defense for good health and wellbeing.
    Taking your Medication properly is difficult at best and fatal at worst. If you keep in mind some of these tips, you will make less mistakes. Less mistakes equates to a better Quality of Life.
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    Item Reviewed: 8 Tips to Help You Take Your Pills Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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