Trade names: Pressolat, Adalat
Class: calcium
channel blocking agent (anti-angina, antihypertensive). Pregnancy: (Category C)
vasospastic angina,
essential hypertension Dose:
Raynaud's phenomenon,
initially 5 mg 3 times daily, adjusted according to response to 20 mg 3 times
daily ,angina prophylaxis not recommended, Hypertension, not recommended modified
release : hypertension, 20–30 mg once daily, increased if necessary; max.
90 mg once daily ,
Angina prophylaxis, 30 mg once
daily, increased if necessary; max. 90 mg once daily Contraindications:
hypersensitivity, lactation Side effects:
• pulmonary and peripheral edema
• hypotension
• headache
• upset stomach
• dizziness or lightheadedness
excessive tiredness
• flushing (feeling of warmth)
• heartburn
• Tachycardia
• muscle cramps
• enlargement of gum tissue around teeth
• constipation
• nasal congestion
• cough
• decreased sexual ability
• Discuss with the patient/family the goals of therapy.
• Teach them how to take pulse and blood pressure. Hold the
medication in case of hypotension or bradycardia and consult the treating Dr.
• Instruct the client to report any untoward sings as dizziness.
• In case of postural hypotension, advise the client to change
• Advise client to sit down immediately if fainting occurs.