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      Saturday, 13 February 2016

      Chloramphenicol : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU

      Trade name: Chloromycetin
      Class:    antibiotic
      Pregnancy: (Category C)
      Action: it inhibits protein synthesis in bacteria by binding to ribosome.
      §     Not to be used for trivial infections as prophylaxis of infection § Cold, throat infections or flu.
      §     Treatment of choice for typhoid fever (not for carrier state).
      §     Meningitis due to hemophilus influenza, pneumocoeoi or § Miningococei.
      §     Skin infections (topically).
      §     Brain abscesses.
      Dose    : by mouth or by intravenous injection or infusion, 50 mg/kg daily in 4 divided doses (exceptionally, can be doubled for severe infections such as septicemia and meningitis, providing high doses reduced as soon as clinically indicated); Child, haemophilus epiglottitis and pyogenic meningitis, 50–100 mg/kg daily in divided doses (high dosages decreased as soon as clinically indicated); Infants under 2 weeks 25 mg/kg daily (in 4 divided doses),
      2 weeks–1 year 50 mg/kg daily (in 4 divided doses) Contraindications:
            Hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol.
            Nursing mothers.
            Renal and hepatic failure.
      Side effects:
            A plastic anemia, pancytopnea, nausea, vomiting abdominal distention, “progressive pallid cyanoses, ashen gray color, tachypnea , vasomotor collapse & death”,  Gray syndrome in infants, super infections.
      Nursing considerations:
            Administer I.V. as 10% solution over at least 1 min.
            Note any history of hypersensitivity & other contraindications, & if
      Client takes antidiabetic or other medications that cause bone marrow depression.
            Neonates should be observed closely (greater hazards of toxicity).
            Arrange for further hematologic studies to be conducted every 2 days to detect early signs of bone marrow depression.

            The drug should be taken at regular intervals to be most effective. The drug should be taken 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals ( if GI upset       Occurs it could be taken with the food).
      Item Reviewed: Chloramphenicol : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar