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    Sunday, 14 February 2016

    Metronidazole : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU


    Trade names: Flagyl
    Class: systemic trichomonocide, amebicide
    Pregnancy: (Category B) Action:
          Effective against anaerobic bacteria & protozoa.
          Inhibit growth of trichomona & amebae by binding to DNA & inhibit nucleic acid synthesis         cell death .
          Well absorbed from GIT & widely distributed in tissues.
          Eliminated in urine ( primarily) , 20% unchanged            red, brown discoloration in urine following P.O. or  I.V.  use .
    A -  Systemic:
    1.      amebiasis, trichomoniasis.
    2.      amebic dysentery.
    3.      amebic liver abscess.
    4.      septicemia
    5.      Endocarditis
    6.      Giardiosis
    7.      to     anaerobic infections of the abdomen following colorectal surgery, hysterectomy, emergency appendectomy. B. Topical :
    1. Inflammatory papules & pustules.
    §  anaerobic infections (usually treated for 7 days and for 10 days in antibiotic-associated colitis), by mouth, either 800 mg initially then 400 mg every 8 hours or 500 mg every 8 hours, CHILD 7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours;
    §  by rectum, 1 g every 8 hours for 3 days, then 1 g every 12 hours, CHILD every 8 hours for 3 days, then every 12 hours, age up to 1 year 125 mg, 1–5 years 250 mg, 5–10 years 500 mg, over 10 years, adult dose;
    §  by intravenous infusion over 20 minutes, 500 mg every 8 hours;
     CHILD 7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours
    §  high-risk procedures; child 7.5 mg/kg at induction; up to 3 further doses of 7.5 mg/kg may be given every 8 hours for high-risk procedures Contraindications:
          Active organic disease of CNS. Blood disorders Lactation.
          1st trimester of pregnancy. Topical  Hypersensitivity.
    Side effects:
          Dry mouth , metallic taste, diarrhea, dizziness abdominal discomfort, furry tongue, ataxia, vertigo & leucopenia.
    Nursing considerations:
          If used IV, drug should not be given by IV bolus.
          If a primary IV fluid setup is used, discontinue the primary solution during infusion of metronidazole.
          Report any symptoms of CNS toxicity immediately e.g. ataxia or tremor, which necessitate withdrawal of drug.
          The drug may turn urine brown.

          Explain for the male partner , the necessity to have therapy.
    Item Reviewed: Metronidazole : Commonly used drugs in Emergency & ICU Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Dr.MosabNajjar
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