Though Tagamet works fine for heartburn, its effect might not be as long-lasting it might not begin working as swiftly as additional antacids.
Upsides of Tagamet
The vast majority of people can have Tagamet with no visible everyday spin-offs.
Tagamet lasts for a longer time than numerous additional antacids like Tums and Maalox, and you just require taking it one or two times in a day.
You could have it along with an antacid that acts fast when you require immediate relief.
It is offered as a generic and also as an over-the-counter medicine and thus it's quite reasonably priced.
Downsides of Tagamet
Other antacids often begin working more promptly than Tagamet are there, examples being Tums, Maalox, or Rolaids
Some drugs, a case in point being omeprazole, do a better work of curing and avoiding stomach ulcers compared to drugs like Tagamet
Have a greater amount of drug interactions compared to Pepcid and Zantac
Even though very rarely, Tagamet could be the cause of massive breasts or impotence in men who require using high dosages for 6 months / more. However, such effects of Tagamet are reversible and ought to go away once you stop taking it or when you modify your medication.
A Natural Approach to heartburn
It is evident that a more balanced and efficient approach is required. In the natural way of healing heartburn, the fundamental thing to do is to make out and subsequently remove or lessen every factor that can add to their growth. Such factors are food allergies, a diet having low fiber content, stress, cigarette smoking, and drugs like aspirin and additional non-steroidal analgesics. Once you are successful in controlling or eliminating these factors, the spotlight is directed at curing heartburn and upholding tissue resistance. Features that help in this cause consist of:
• Drinking of cabbage juice
• Consumption of a nourishing diet having high fiber content and less amount of allergenic foods
• Incorporation of an efficient stress cutback plan.
A natural approach could also entail herbs, particularly an exclusive licorice extract that people also refer to as deglycyrrhizinated licorice. Just as cabbage, deglycyrrhizinated licorice aids in re-establishing a healthy intestinal lining. In the section below we discuss such approaches that are a Natural alternative for Tagamet.
Eradicate food allergies - Although it might appear strange, experimental and clinical evidence indicates food allergy as a fundamental origin of ulcers. The relationship amongst allergy and ulcers is undergoing investigation in quite a few studies. In a study, 98% patients having radiographic proof of ulcers were afflicted by an allergic disease to their lower & upper respiratory tract. Any diet that abolishes foodstuff allergies has been greatly successful in the treatment and prevention of recurrent ulcers.
Increase intake of fiber- A food plan having high fiber content is connected to a diminished occurrence of duodenal ulcers. The therapeutic use of a diet having a high fiber content in patients whose ulcers have healed recently can lessen the rate of their reappearance by half.
Quit smoking
Evade aspirin
Alleviate strain and psychological factors
Another Natural alternative for Tagamet are the various all-natural supplements
For more details visit us: http://www.acidgone.com/
Diana Chan is a Registered Pharmacist and Board Certified Nutrition Specialist in USA as well as a professional article writer. She likes to write health articles to share her professional knowledge and personal experience with the general public who wants to find natural solutions for intestinal problems such as acid reflux and others.
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